Literacy Test (OSSLT) Preparation

OSSLT Preparation

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) measures whether students are meeting the minimum standard for literacy across all subjects up to the end of Grade 9. Successful completion of the literacy test is one of the requirements to earn an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. All students across the province write this test on the same date, usually in late March each year. 

Please use the links provided below to test your skills and better prepare yourself for the OSSLT.  All students are encouraged to practice anything provided at the EQAO website. 

EQAO Website - OSSLT Preparation

Most Recent Online Sample Test - EQAO releases examples of actual questions from its previous test booklets to help students, parents and educators get familiar with the format of the test and the type of questions asked. EQAO provides scoring guides and sample student responses to show how the tests are scored and what student responses at each score code look like. The last five years of released test materials are available. EQAO also provides a sample test, a complete test in the same order and with the same instructions as an actual test. The use of the sample test provides parents, students and educators with a test similar in length and format to the one provided during the actual administration and illustrates the types of reading and writing items (questions and prompts) that students will encounter.

All Ontario Secondary Schools participate in the OSSLT, and all the tests for these schools are marked by EQAO.  Due to this process, test results for each year are not released until June.  Student's test results should appear on their student portal.  In addition, students will receive direct notification through the mail from EQAO.  Before school is finished in June, you should know your OSSLT results. 

Contact Us

© 2023 , 362 Talbot St. W., Aylmer . Tel. 519-773-3174, Fax 519-765-1943,, Superintendent: P. Sydor, Trustees: M. Ruddock, B. Smith

                                                      Attendance 1-844-305-3756