Grade 9 EQAO Math Testing
The Grade 9 EQAO Math Testing Assessment tests the math skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 9. Different versions of the test are administered in the academic and the applied math courses. Students in first-semester math courses take the test during a two-week testing window in January; students in second-semester or full-year math courses take the test during a two-week testing window in June.
EQAO releases examples of actual questions from its previous assessment booklets to help students, parents and educators get familiar with the format of the assessment and the type of questions asked. We provide scoring guides and sample student responses to show how the assessments are scored and what student responses at each score code look like. The last five years of released assessment materials are available.
Examples of past tests are located on the EQAO website. Students are encouraged to complete these practice tests to help prepare for the actual test which will be completed near the end of the semester.
Math Help
The math help room is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday at lunch in room 204.
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